Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Don't Forget Boko Haram

It's been a terrible week across the globe not just in Paris France, but in Beirut and now most recently Nigeria. When terrorism strikes close to home, or against our closest allies it tends to garner more attention than attacks that effect those in other regions. This has been the case in Africa for years. While ISIS has been in the spotlight for over a year now, Boko Haram has recently been regarded as the most damaging terrorist organization in terms of people killed. Tuesday evening, and now today, Nigeria was hit by multiple suicide bombers killing well over 40 individuals in public places such as the market, and religious area's. Some individuals in Nigeria have described life in Nigeria as, "hellish."

Boko Haram previously focused on capturing territories in Nigeria, but now however has shifted its focus on suicide bombings. This is a side effect of the new Nigerian Presidents focus on clamping down on a corrupt government, and curbing terrorism in Nigeria.

Remember to take a moment to take in the news across the globe, what we see on the TV or read in the American headlines aren't the only topics of interest within the global news sphere.


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